Summer is here and lots of exciting events already planned for St Mary’s Stansted. Details on the poster, but briefly:
8th July 6-8pm, Blue Skies Big Band – come and have dance to some great American tunes.
9th July, 3-5pm, ‘The Other Band’ (that’s the name of the band}.
15th July, 4pm, Evensong with the Pheon Singers (ex- Cambridge University Choir)
10th September, 3pm, an afternoon of music with Nancy May. Tickets £10
Refreshments available at all the above events. And apart from the above, we have Open Sunday on the first Sunday of each month up until October. Cool tunes and refreshments. Church and churchyard tours available on requuest.
Looking forward to seeing you at one of these events. Yoo will be made very welcome.